How’s it going, you guys!? I’ve been having such a blast doing these articles and getting to chat with some of you. I am so thankful to put a face to the beautiful people I’m writing to.

Oh, how is my day going, you ask? Well, let me tell ya. I inadvertently fell asleep on the couch in the middle of the day while my kid Kai was hanging out in the living room with me (I promise, that is a very rare occurrence).


He knows when to take advantage of people, like when his mommy is too worn out to function, so he found a blue marker somewhere, somehow, and scribbled all over our beige microfiber couch…

Not cool, Kai, not cool.

Get ready, Karen, because Connor will destroy everything you hold dear!


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

So, due to today’s events, I am locking myself in the bedroom while my dear husband takes his turn at scrubbing the couch, and I’m going to chat with you people about L’Oréal. That must cheer me up!

I have a theory about L’Oréal…

Nech mě to vysvětlit. Did you know that they actually own tons of different brands, including a bunch of high end brands like YSL, Lancome, Georgio Armani, and urban Decay?

Cool huh? but back to my theory.

I think because they’re involved with so lots of high quality brands, their makeup is actually comparable quality, just at a much more affordable price.

That would make sense, right? Again, just a theory.

Another great thing about the brand is that they do absolutely no testing on animals, and they haven’t considering that 1989. That is such a cool accomplishment in my eyes.

OK, let’s get to the makeup.

Using (mostly) L’Oréal makeup, I created this look here…

First I tried L’Oréal true match Lumi cushion Foundation, and if you haven’t heard of these new cushion foundations, they’re generally sponges soaked in foundation and put into a compact.

Weird, right? I’m a little confused by the whole concept myself, but tons of brands have been doing them, so there need to be some perk!

I actually thought it was incredibly convenient. It comes with a little puff that you dip into the product, then pat on your face. I like it because you don’t need a separate brush. everything you need is ideal there, although you absolutely could use another brush or sponge if you like the application better. just make sure anything you dip in there is incredibly clean. It seems like this product could be a playground for nasty bacteria.

The coverage is pretty light but does build up to be about a medium coverage. I don’t think you’d be able to get up to full coverage with this one. As you can see below, it won’t cover any massive creatures chillin’ on your chin.

As the name suggests, it also gives you the most gaw-geous luminous glow, and I’m all about dat glow. this one is a real winner for me!

Next up is this cute little brow kit, the L’Oréal Brow Stylist Prep & shape pro Kit. this one here is in shade “medium to dark”.

How great would this be just to chuck in your bag and have for touch-ups?! It comes with a wax, a powder, a little angled brush with a spoolie on the end, and a pair of little tweezers.

I think the product itself is excellent, but it’s just not for me, just like every other powder brow product I’ve tried. I think that powders don’t work for my brows because, let’s be honest, they’re kind of massive.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my full brows, but I feel like powders just make them look too huge and fuzzy. That probably makes no sense, but pencils just work so much better for me.

If you love using powders and waxes on your brows, get this. I really think you’ll love it.

Ugh, great. I’ve discovered a lot more great eye shadows, which indicates that I have to get every shade, and I really don’t need any more.

“Why not just show some restraint and not get more, Jen?” you may ask. Well, because I am an addict, so I don’t have a choice. At least that’s the story I’m going with.

The shadows I’m talking about are the L’Oréal Colour Riche Monos Eye Shadows. I’m regretting ever using the descriptive word “buttery” for another eye shadow because I really need to use that word for these.

They’re just so buttery! — like literal butter. It’s actually a little bit trippy. They’re a powder, but they nearly feel like a cream. The pigmentation is amaze-balls (also wishing I saved that word for these), too, as is the blendability.

I used the shade called “Green Promenade” all over the lid, “Little beige Dress” as a transition shade, and “Cafe Au Late” to deepen the outer corner.

Then I wanted to try out the L’Oréal Voluminous Superstar Red Carpet Black Flash Reflecting Mascara. this one has two steps — a priming step, then the actual black mascara. When I applied the primer I had incredibly high hopes for how my lashes were going to turn out, and after putting on the white primer, my lashes looked incredibly long and separA nasedl, tak jsem si myslel, “perfektní! Teď budu jen dát druhý krok, a to bude přidat nějaký objem. Pak budou moje řasy vypadat perfektně! Woo!

Je smutné, že moje sny byly rozbité. Když jsem dal druhý krok, bylo to jako Clump City v mých řasách. Trvalo to hodně práce, které by je mohlo vypadat slušně, takže budu muset dát ten palec dolů.

Teď pojďme kontury! Můj oblíbený krok. Nic se necítí lépe než jít z kruhu tváře, aby vypadal, jako bys měl skutečný život lícní kostí. Paleta l’oréal neomylné pro obrysu vám dá ty tvářské kosti, které všichni vidíme v našich snech. Použil jsem “světlý” jeden a obrysová barva byla prostě dokonalá. Není příliš pomeranč, takže mi napodobuje, jak by vypadal stín. Použil jsem to doslova každý den s ohledem na to, že jsem to zkusil, a ani jsem si nemyslel na některé z mých mnohem dražších možností.

Vrcholem, nepoužívám tolik. Je to skvělé – jen světlo, semi třpytivé prášek, který vypadá dobře na vrcholu tvářních kostí. Stále používám další hardcore zvýraznění nahoře, protože jsem tak hardcore. Malý kartáč, který přišel s šetrností v odpadcích, protože to bylo jen divné, takže bych použil cokoliv, co už milujete pro konturování.

Poslední, ale hodně absolutně nepokudil jsem, že jsem se snažil l’oréal neomylný pro-matný lesk. Ty jsou na rozdíl od jiného produktu na rty, které jsem vyzkoušel. Konzistence mi připomíná – Teď vím, že je to neuvěřitelně divné, ale holé se mnou – bramborová kaše.

Počkej co?


Ne v ošklivém, odvážném způsobu, ale nádherně pěnivý (?) Cesta … čestně, jen zanedbávat moje bizarní popisná slova, a zkuste to pro sebe.

Jsou hydratační a pohodlné, ale matné. Na rtech nevymažují do suchých skvrn nebo čar, které je dělají neuvěřitelně hladké a polibitelné. dva palce nahoru.

Phew! To byl dlouhý. Pokud si to lidé udělali daleko se mnou, dejte mi vědět, co je vaše oblíbená značka drogerie a proč!

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